Education / Training

Graduate School

IDEAS have a role in graduate school education (Department of Innovative Energy Science and Engineering, Chubu University).

Asia Summer School

In Asia summer school, participants will learn some problems related with sustainable developments in Asia as well as the contribution of Geoinformatics as a solution to them. Students from various country attends this program, and all the lectures are held in English. It is expected for the participants to gain international sensibility and to deepen their study topics for graduate / under-graduate thesis.

Training / Lecture

IDEAS undertake a training / lecture about general techniques (e.g. GIS, Remote Sensing, UAV measurement, 3D measurement) and practical applications (e.g. forestry, cultural heritage management) due to requests.

Training / Lectures in the past (implemented after 2017)
2023.3 「文化財の3Dドキュメンテーション」, The Silk Road Friendship Project(UNDP)
2021.12 「森林測量」, 林業士養成研修
2021.11 「境界確定」, 林業士養成研修
2021.10・12 「森林情報高度化研修」, 兵庫県営林緑化労働基金
2021.8 「GISの基礎知識」, 岩手県農林水産部森林整備課
2019.7 「文化財の3Dドキュメンテーション」, The Silk Road Friendship Project(UNDP)
2019.7 「Documentation of Cultural Heritage using SfM technique」, The Silk Road Friendship Project(UNDP)
2018.6 「シルクロードが結ぶ友情プロジェクト シリア人専門家研修(空間情報)」, シルクロードが結ぶ友情プロジェクト実行委員会
2018.2 「森林調査を取巻く諸状況?最近のICT/IOT動向とその使いどころ」, 平成29年度林業普及指導全体研修会
2017.12 “Remote Sensing and GIS in Archaeology”, International Workshop on ‘Remote Sensing and GIS in Archaeology’
2017.11 「林野庁 森林計画中級森林ITC(情報通信技術)の活用方法(GISを含む)」, 林野庁研修会
2017.11 「森林調査を取り巻くICT/IOTの状況と展望」, 平成29年度九州地区森林技術者講習会
2017.2 “Geoinformatics and Archaeology”, The Silk Road Friendship Project Saving Syrian Cultural Heritage for the Next Generation Beirut Workshop